I have been going to Deep Roots Acupuncture for 4 months.  After exploring my options with medicine and physical therapy (and not satisfied with the results), I went to Lucy for help with numbness in my left arm.  Lucy has helped relieve that pain and more in this short time.  I had been going to an LMT who was trying to relieve the tension in my neck and shoulder muscles in order to help with that numbness; progress was slow until I saw Lucy.  After 1 gua-sha treatment, my LMT noticed a big difference.  On another health issue, I went to my Internal Medicine doctor (who sees me for Type I diabetes) and he noticed that I am much more sensitive to insulin than I have been since I can remember  (I have had diabetes for 41 years).  I would recommend Lucy to all of my friends and relatives.


In the 5 years I have been seeing you, your shiatsu has helped me where massage has not. I always feel better after seeing you, whether it is for my chronic shoulder injury or my struggle with making decisions in my life. As a bodyworker, I really appreciate your thoroughness and integrity. Thank you.
